Heather’s continuing monthly visits with Mother because of availability of FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) through her work as a CA state employee:
(On Tuesday morning, Mother ate a great breakfast. She loves French toast and syrup and also ate quite a bit of Cream of Wheat. When lunch came, she said: “I’m full” even before I started to feed her. Instead she ate a couple of oatmeal cookies that I made using her favorite recipe. I baked them in California and carried them on the plane to Rhode Island for her.
Later in the day, Jean Martin came to visit Mother and she suggested I purchase sun catchers for Audrey’s window in place of the outside bird feeders that Mother loved. Later in the day while Audrey was sleeping, I went out and purchased sun catchers of bird shapes.
Tuesday evening, Mother, Margaret–another Kent Regency resident–and I had a poetry reading session. Mother recited The Owl and the Pussy Cat with much help from me. She seemed concerned that she was doing so badly. I explained to her that we all have days when we are not as sharp as other days.)