Audrey Mae SpencerSpencer Historical CemeteryHenry Straight / William Spencer Family Cemetery
Vaughn Historical CemeterySpencers of East Greenwich, RI

Posts Tagged Belinda

9 January 2003

Heather: What’s the news on the east coast?

Audrey: Belinda is on a break from school. She is into the third semester. She enjoys working in nursing.  She will be an R.N. when she passes the board.  She has a 5 hours drive (238 miles) to get here.  Belinda took me to Walmart today. I am looking for a white winter coat, a tan, thin coat.  Lisa came over for supper. Vaughn came too.

1 December 2003

Heather: How are you doing?

Audrey: Everything is going just right. I had a nice visit with Belinda. She looks good. Belinda wants to be a surgeon. Dr. Belinda Bradley, surgeon. Doesn’t that sound great? I said “go ahead and study, use it for all its worth”. I’m so happy for Belinda. She found what she wants to do in life.

I sat in the “boring chair” for a while at Crystal’s house, but I was glad I didn’t sit there too long! Everybody laughs about the “boring chair” as I called it. I eat a lot now. I’ve got my (large print) books to read. This (companion) chair is worth its weight in gold. I’m busy every minute. I go up and down the aisle.

28 February 2004

Heather: How is life at Alpine?

Audrey: Amber brought over the larger bookcase that Ernie made. He did a beautiful job. She put it in the trunk of her car. The bookcase is beautiful. Ernie made a shelf for my telephone and a place for the wires to go through the back and not get all tangled up in the front. It like a little desk and all I have to do is reach for the phone.

Amber, she has a great mind for thinking things out. She put the bookcase between my bed and the wall next to the window. I still have a clear path to the sink land beyond. Amber worked all day getting everything in order. My books from Emily Dickinson to the Dictionary are all in order. The picture of the (historical) graveyard is set up. She brought cardboard boxes that hold my beautiful cards from Edith. Edith always sent me beautiful cards. She has my bulletin board all set up with pictures. I couldn’t be happier. She set up Belinda’s picture as a nurse. Belinda loves to study and hopes to he a surgeon. I can’t wait! Doctor Belinda!

24 July 2004

Heather: How were Crystal’s children different?

Audrey: Amber was different from everyone else. She was full of fun. She was very active. She never sat down. The rest of them rested from time to time, but not Amber. Now Martin, he was a good little kid and Belinda, she caused no trouble. The three of them seldom fought as kids.

Oh dear, I am so tired. I’ve got to hang up.