Audrey Mae SpencerSpencer Historical CemeteryHenry Straight / William Spencer Family Cemetery
Vaughn Historical CemeterySpencers of East Greenwich, RI
Audrey’s extended family
31 January 2005

Frank Roger Cahoon

The Death of Frank Roger Cahoon

Audrey’s Grand Nephew

Born June 1, 1955

Died January 31, 2005

Roger was the grandson of Audrey’s brother, John Edward Spencer

17 May 2005

Heather’s continuing monthly visits with Mother because of availability of FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) through her work as a CA state employee:

(On Tuesday morning, Mother ate a great breakfast. She loves French toast and syrup and also ate quite a bit of Cream of Wheat. When lunch came, she said:  “I’m full” even before I started to feed her.  Instead she ate a couple of oatmeal cookies that I made using her favorite recipe. I baked them in California and carried them on the plane to Rhode Island for her.

Later in the day, Jean Martin came to visit Mother and she suggested I purchase sun catchers for Audrey’s window in place of the outside bird feeders that Mother loved. Later in the day while Audrey was sleeping, I went out and purchased sun catchers of bird shapes.

Tuesday evening, Mother, Margaret–another Kent Regency resident–and I had a poetry reading session.  Mother recited The Owl and the Pussy Cat with much help from me. She seemed concerned that she was doing so badly.  I explained to her that we all have days when we are not as sharp as other days.)

29 May 2005

Douglas continuing his visit with Mother:

(Mother was drawing in the drawing pad that Doug brought with him.

Later in the day, Douglas drove Mother and Deardra to visit Luane (née Cahoon) McDonald and her mother, Anna Jane (née Spencer) Cahoon.”)

19 June 2005

Douglas visiting his mother:

(On Sunday, Mother was weepy pretty much all day long.  Several times she asked where her sister-in-law Marjorie MacDonald was. After several hours of weeping:  “Things have happened all wrong.”

(Doug took Mother for a two-hour drive.)

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