Audrey Mae SpencerSpencer Historical CemeteryHenry Straight / William Spencer Family Cemetery
Vaughn Historical CemeterySpencers of East Greenwich, RI

Monthly Archives: January 2005

8 January 2005

Douglas visiting and feeding Mother at Kent Regency Nursing Home:

“It doesn’t taste good.”

10 January 2005

Bree, the OT said they have done all they can do and they are releasing Mother until she improves to where she can do more for herself. Marilyn, the PT walked with Mother for about 10 feet. Marilyn asked Mother to tell her when she wanted to sit down.

“I want to sit down now.”

(Marilyn said they are working with Mother five days a week.)

15 January 2005

Douglas visiting Mother at Kent Regency Nursing Home and trying to feed Mother:

“Don’t put anymore of that stuff in my mouth.”

17 January 2005

Douglas visiting Mother at Kent Regency Nursing Home and feeding Mother a dish of yogurt:

“It is too sweet and bad for my sugar”.

18 January 2005

Douglas visiting Mother at Kent Regency Nursing Home:

(Doug tried reading the 50 states postcards and getting Mother to think about the capitols but she wasn’t really into it. This was unusual as Mother was always interested in studying and learning.)

24 January 2005

Douglas visiting Mother at Kent Regency Nursing Home:

“Why am I here?  I don’t want to be in this big house.  I don’t want to be in this crazy house.”

(Mother was very alert.  Doug and Mother, in her wheel chair, went for a stroll down to see Lisa, Audrey’s granddaughter, Lisa  in the Administrative office.  Lisa said she has not seen her this alert before.  Lisa explained to Mother as to why Mother was in the Nursing Home.

25 January 2005

Douglas visiting Mother and asking her if she slept well last night:

(Mother nodded her head “yes”.)

31 January 2005

Douglas visiting Mother at Kent Regency:

“Why don’t you take all this stuff and put it in the car and then take me home?”

(Long discussion on why she can’t go home)

31 January 2005

Douglas visiting Mother at Kent Regency asked Mother: “If there was anything in the world that you could do, what would it be?”

“Sit here holding my hand”.

(Douglas: “What’s next best?”)

“Laying in bed having people wait on me.”

(Mother pushed the button to the bathroom.  Doug had to hand it to her.)

31 January 2005

Frank Roger Cahoon

The Death of Frank Roger Cahoon

Audrey’s Grand Nephew

Born June 1, 1955

Died January 31, 2005

Roger was the grandson of Audrey’s brother, John Edward Spencer