Heather: Did women work in the barn?
Audrey: Yes, my mother could do all the chores as good as a man. I guess when there were no hands, she would help.
Audrey: Yes, my mother could do all the chores as good as a man. I guess when there were no hands, she would help.
Audrey: No, I was under ten. I was always holding the lantern! I got up in the morning and fed the dog. Grandma had gruel for the dog.
She brought gruel in Arctic (a shopping area in West Warwick) . Anthony (a village in Coventry) had a store or two– a post office and a store. Arctic was called Jericho and before that something else. I can’t remember now.
Everything changes. Moves up. I don’t know where we are going next. We’ve been down in the sea and up in the sky. What next?
Audrey: No, it’s hard work. Except if you own the farm, (then it would be worth it).
Audrey: Vaughn, he was a little fussier. He looked at everything. He looks things over inside and out. He is great for giving everything a good look before he goes into anything. His mind is going a mile a minute, but he doesn’t say much about it. He doesn’t like to write,but he studies very carefuly and he remembers everything. I do think he still does that. Anything he has to do he thinks about it very carefully. He thinks it all through!
Deardra, (She was found sound asleep up in the attic) I thought she got lost in the woods. I about had a fit! She had played all day in the attic. It got dark and the rest of the kids came down but she fell asleep in her part of the attic. You all had a part of the attic that was your own. Spencer just (climbed the ladder and) stuck his head up (through the attic opening) and looked around and came down and said not there. We were calling Deardra, and we had started to go up the road, calling Deardra. It was hours before we found her. They (a local police officer) brought her down from the attic. She has been lying down near the front window, behind the chimney and the officer went up and got her. The law enforcement officers were smiling when they brought her down. They thought they had a lost child on their hands. They were relieved. It was hours before we found her.
Deardra and Heather tagged along after Crystal. She would haul you along for mischief, like knocking on somebody’s door and then running away.
Audrey: You were all about the same height. Crystal would pull you two along and do crazy things. Aunt Jeannie was like a mother to me. I would wheel Deardra over in Aunt Jeannie’s yard in that basket carriage with the top that goes back and forth. Aunt Jeannie would watch Deardra while she slept. Aunt Jeannie loved children. She helped me with Deardra and Vaughn. (They were the last two born and the only two born when we lived on East Greenwich Avenue, next to Aunt Jeannie.) Since Aunt Di didn’t like children, Aunt Jeannie kept Di away from the kids.
Doug, he was always reading and Spen, he was always on a horse, saddle or no. He didn’t have time to read.
Dawn, she was putting on shows for Aunt Jeannie and Dick. She would dance like she saw on TV.
Heather, you were always quiet. Always kind of fat, until you started to walk and on the go and didn’t have time to put on weight.
When you were all kids, I’d go back to that in a minute. To have you all screaming, no you kids didn’t do too much hollering. I enjoyed it when you were all kids.
Audrey: I don’t know. I have a hard time remembering everything.
Audrey: The trees are so pretty. There is just enough wind blowing to make the tree so pretty.
Audrey: Yes, I sang that in school. Beatrice and I must have sung that many times.
Audrey: Meagan, she is a very pretty little girl and she is a good little girl. Mathew, he’s jolly. There is always a big smile on his face. Brian, he is working all the time. He is very busy, he is in college. Kelsey and Kaitlyn are so darling and Kenya is such a helpful big sister. They are the cutest kids. Mark will be so happy to get a boy now that he has his girls. Jessica, she a jolly little girl, always dancing around and always full of life. She is very cute also. Ian. I’m so happy they have a boy as they already have their girls. Emma, she and Hannah are darling. Hannah is getting older now. I haven’t seen Stephanie’s baby yet. She will get here sooner or later. She will bring him to see me.